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This page may contains spoilers about the characters in Snow: tales of the Ancient ones! You have been warned.



The forgotten Lady


Vlad stradurius IV:
 Only Vlad knows more about the smiling lady than anyone else inside the mansion. Vlad had never given any reason to why the forgotten vampire is in his mansion, each time someone brought the subject up. Vlad quickly changes the topic or simply walks away.

The statue is always shown with a smile, so their might be a possibility that the smiling statue had a sweet personality... Although looks can be deceiving 

Samantha had pointed out that the statue reminds or looks exactly like Camille.
It has been said that the statue could be possibly Vlad's widow.


The forgotten lady is an statue that was brought by Vlad. No one but Vlad knows if this particular statue was based off by a real being. The forgotten lady has many nicknames: The smiling Vampire, Vampire queen and the Forgotten Vampire.

She appears through out first intro and were shown in various episodes before being properly introduced to the viewer in episode 5, "Allies". 




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Sex: Female

Status: Unknown

Race: Statue (Object)

Age:  Unkown

Traits: Unknown

Relationship status: Unknown

Bloodline: Unknown

Family:  Unknown

This page may contains spoilers about the characters in Snow: tales of the Ancient ones! You have been warned.

"Some say she is the queen of the vampires, others  question about her clothing and others ask why does her smile brings so much joy?" - Andrew  Episode 7

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 Camille Snow

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 Vladisuarius Straud IV


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Caleb Vatore

" Camille & Caleb near the forgotten lady. In Episode 4: Bitten "

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The Voice

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